Enumerating AD Users
Gather Domain Information
Gather Domain SID
Gather List DC's
Gather Domain Users
Gather User Count
Gather Most Important Users Information
Gather List of Users do not require Kerberos pre-authentication
Gather Users With Kerberos Constrained Delegation
Gather Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation
Gather Domain (User) Descriptions
Gather Account(s) With SPN
Gather Password Set Times
Enumerating AD Groups
Gather Groups
Gather More Information 1 Group
Gather Security Groups
Gather Security Operations Group
Gather Local Groups
Enumerating AD Computers
Gather Most Useful Information
Enumerating Domain ACLs
ForceChangePassword abused with Set-DomainUserPassword
Add Members abused with Add-DomainGroupMember
GenericAll abused with Set-DomainUserPassword
or Add-DomainGroupMember
GenericWrite abused with Set-DomainObject
WriteOwner abused with Set-DomainObjectOwner
WriteDACL abused with Add-DomainObjectACL
AllExtendedRights abused with Set-DomainUserPassword
or Add-DomainGroupMember
Gather ACLs With Built-In
Gather ACL With PowerView
Gather ACL File Shares
Gather DCsync ACL
Enumerating Domain GPOs
Gather GPO Data
Gather GPO of Computer
Gather GPO Permissions
Enumerating Domain Trusts
Gather Trusts That Exists
Gather Trusts Current Domain
Last updated