Examples of volatility command
• python vol.py -f [filepath] windows.info.Info > [pathtosaveresult.txt]
Shows OS & kernel details of the memory sample being analysed.
• python vol.py -f [filepath] windows.pstree.PsTree > [pathtosaveresult.txt]
Shows Plugin for listing processes in a tree based on their parent process ID.
• python vol.py -f [filepath] windows.netscan.NetScan > [pathtosaveresult.txt]
Shows Scans for network objects present in a particular windows memory image.
• python vol.py -f [filepath] windows.pslist.PsList > [pathtosaveresult.txt]
Lists the processes present in a particular windows memory image.
• python vol.py -f [filepath] windows.dlllist.DllList > [pathtosaveresult.txt]
Lists the loaded modules in a particular windows memory image.
• python vol.py -f [filepath] windows.netstat.NetStat > [pathtosaveresult.txt]
Shows traverses network tracking structures present in a particular windows memory image.
Description | Command |
Runs the automagics and both prints and outputs configuration in the output directory. | configwriter.Configwriter |
Plugin to list the various modular components of Volatility | frameworkinfo.FrameworkInfo |
Determines information about the currently available ISF files, or a specific one | isfinfo.IsfInfo |
Runs the automagics and writes out the primary layer produced by the stacker. | layerwriter.Layerwriter |
Runs all relevant plugins that provide time related information and orders the results by time. | Timeliner.Timeliner |
Description | Command |
Attempts to identify potential linux banners in an image | banners.Banners |
Determines information about the currently available ISF files, or a specific one | isfinfo.IsfInfo |
Runs the automagics and writes out the primary layer produced by the stacker | layerwriter.Layerwriter |
Recovers bash command history from memory | linux.bash.Bash |
Verifies the operation function pointers of network protocols. | linux.check_afinfo.Check_afinfo |
Checks if any processes are sharing credential structures | linux.check_creds.Check._creds |
Checks if the IDT has been altered | linux.check_idt.Check_idt |
Compares module list to sysfs info, if available | linux.check_modules.Check_modules |
Check system call table for hooks. | linux.check_syscall.Check_syscall |
Lists all memory mapped ELF files for all processes. | linux.elfs.Elfs |
Lists processes with their environment variables | linux.envars.Envars linux.enwvars.Enwvars |
Generates an output similar to /proc/iomem on a running system. | linux.iomem.IOMem |
Parses the keyboard notifier call chain | linux.keyboard_notifiers.Keyboard_notifiers |
Kernel log buffer reader | linux.kmsg.Kmsg |
Lists loaded kernel modules | linux.Ismod.Lsmod |
Lists all memory maps for all processes. | linux.lsof.Lsof |
Lists process memory ranges that potentially contain injected code. | linux.malfind.Malfind |
Lists mount points on processes mount namespaces | linux.mountinfo.MountInfo |
Lists all memory maps for all processes. | linux.proc.Maps |
Lists processes with their command line arguments | linux.psaux.PsAux |
Lists the processes present in a particular linux memory image. | linux.pslist.PsList |
Scans for processes present in a particular linux image. | linux.psscan.PsScan |
Plugin for listing processes in a tree based on their parent process ID. | linux.pstree.PsTree |
Lists all network connections for all processes. | linux.sockstat.Sockstat |
Checks tty devices for hooks | linux.tty_check.tty_check |
Description | Command |
Recovers bash command history from memory. | mac.bash.Bash |
Check system call table for hooks. | mac.check_Syscall.Check_Syscall |
Check sysctl handlers for hooks. | mac.check_sysctl.Check_sysctl |
Check mac trap table for hooks. | mac.check_trap_table.Check_trap_table |
Lists network interface information for all devices | Lists network interface information for all devices |
Lists kauth listeners and their status | mac. kauth_listeners.Kauth_listeners |
Lists kauth scopes and their status | mac. kauth_scopes.Kauth.scopes |
Lists event handlers registered by processes | mac.kevents.Kevents |
Lists all open file descriptors for all processes. | mac.list_files.List_Files |
Lists loaded kernel modules | mac.lsmod.Lsmod |
Lists all open file descriptors for all processes. | mac.lsof.Lsof |
Lists process memory ranges that potentially contain injected code. | mac.malfind.Malfind |
A module containing a collection of plugins that produce data typically found in Mac’s mount command | mac.mount.Mount |
Lists all network connections for all processes | mac.netstat.Netsta |
Lists process memory ranges that potentially contain injected code | mac.proc_maps.Maps |
Recovers program command line arguments. | mac.psaux.Psaux |
Lists the processes present in a particular mac memory image | mac.pslist.PsList |
Plugin for listing processes in a tree based on their parent process ID. | mac.pstree.Pstree |
Enumerates kernel socket filters | mac.socket_filters.Socket_filters |
Check for malicious kernel timers. | mac.timers.Timers |
Checks for malicious trustedbsd modules | mac.trustedbsd.Trustedbsd |
Lists processes that are filtering file system events | mac.ufsevents.VFSevents |
Description | Command |
List big page pools. | windows.bigpools.BigPools |
Lists kernel callbacks and notification routines. | windows.callbacks.Callbacks |
Lists process command line arguments. | windows.cmdline.CmdLine |
Lists the information from a Windows crash dump. | windows.crashinfo.Crashinfo |
Listing tree based on drivers and attached devices in a particular windows memory image. | windows.devicetree.DeviceTree |
Lists the loaded modules in a particular windows memory image. | windows.dillist.DIlList |
List IRPs for drivers in a particular windows memory image. | windows.driverirp.DriverIrp |
Determines if any loaded drivers were hidden by a rootkit | windows.drivermodule.DriverModule |
Scans for drivers present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.driverscan.DriverScan |
Dumps cached file contents from Windows memory samples. | windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles |
Display process environment variables | windows.envars.Envars |
Lists process token sids. | windows.getservicesids.GetServiceSIDs |
Print the SIDs owning each process | windows.getsids.GetSIDs |
Lists process open handles. | windows.handles.Handles |
Show OS & kernel details of the memory sample being analyzed. | windows.info.Info |
Print process job link information | windows.joblinks.Joblinks |
Lists the loaded modules in a particular windows memory image. | windows.ldrmodules.LdrModules |
Lists process memory ranges that potentially contain injected code. | windows.malfind.Malfind |
Scans for and parses potential Master Boot Records (MBRs) | windows.mbrscan.MBRScan |
Prints the memory map | windows.memmap.Memmap |
Scans for modules present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.modscan.Modscan |
Lists the loaded kernel modules. | windows.modules.Modules |
Scans for mutexes present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.mutantscan.MutantScan |
Scans for network objects present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.netscan.Netscan |
Traverses network tracking structures present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.netstat.NetStat |
A generic pool scanner plugin. | windows.poolscanner.Poolscanner |
Lists process token privileges | windows.privileges.Privs |
Lists the processes present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.pslist.PsList |
Scans for processes present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.psscan.Psscan |
Plugin for listing processes in a tree based on their parent process ID. | windows.pstree.PsTree |
Lists the certificates in the registry's Certificate Store. | windows.registry.certificates.Certificates |
Lists the registry hives present in a particular memory image. | windows.registry.hivelist.Hivelist |
Scans for registry hives present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.registry.hivescan.Hivescan |
Lists the registry keys under a hive or specific key value. | windows.registry printkey.PrintKey |
Print userassist registry keys and information. | windows.registry.userassist.UserAssist |
lists Processes with Session information extracted from Environmental Variables | windows.sessions.Sessions |
Looks for signs of Skeleton Key malware | windows.skeleton_key_check.Skeleton_Key_Check |
Lists the system call table. | windows.ssdt.SSDT |
Lists statistics about the memory space. | windows.statistics.Statistics |
Reads output from the strings command and indicates which process(es) each string belongs to. | windows.strings.Strings |
Scans for links present in a particular windows memory image. | windows.symlinkscan.Symlinkscan |
Lists process memory ranges. | windows.vadinfo.VadInfo |
Walk the VAD tree. | windows.wadwalk.Vadwalk |
Lists version information from PE files. | windows.verinfo.VerInfo |
Lists virtual mapped sections. | windows.wirtmap.VirtMap |
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