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Last updated
This OWASP based checklist was developed to include additional useful details and techniques for modern application assessments (Always in-progress)
Excel Version (in-depth) of Checklist is also available fore download here:
Scope configuration:
Nongreedy match .*?website.com$
Open Source Reconnaissance - WSTG-INFO-01
Perform OSINT for as much public information as possible from online resources
Utilize Infohunter by Martian Defense
Search engines often expose sensitive info such as network details, login credentials, and private organizational data.
Use as many: Different search engines, including Baidu, Bing, Google, and DuckDuckGo, offer unique results due to their specific algorithms and indexing times.
Use search operators: Advanced operators like site:, inurl:, and filetype: refine search queries for more targeted findings.
View Cached Content: The cache: operator helps retrieve previously indexed, changed, or removed online content.
Fingerprinting Web Server - WSTG-INFO-02
Find the type of Web Server
Find the version details of the Web Server
View Wappylyzer, Whatruns, Server Reponses
Perform banner grabbing using tools like telnet for HTTP or openssl for TLS/SSL requests to analyze web server response headers.
Send malformed requests to the web server and examine error responses or default error pages for server identification.
Use automated scanning tools like Netcraft, Nikto, and Nmap/Zenmap for more robust web server fingerprinting, leveraging their extensive databases of known responses
Looking For Metafiles - WSTG-INFO-03
View the Robots.txt file
View the Sitemap.xml file
View the Humans.txt file
View the Security.txt file
Examine <META> tags within the HTML documents for directives or information that could aid in mapping the application's structure or technology.
Enumerating Web Server’s Applications - WSTG-INFO-04
Enumerating with Nmap
Enumerating with Netcat
Perform a DNS lookup
Perform a Reverse DNS lookup
Attempt Zone Transfer
First identify nameservers for the site
Transfer to discovered nameservers
Check for web applications on non-standard URLs through methods like directory browsing, search engine indexing (using site: operator), and probing likely URLs (e.g., /webmail, /admin).
Use a port scanner like Nmap with the -sV option to identify HTTP[S] services on non-standard ports, scanning the full range of TCP ports.
For virtual host discovery, attempt DNS zone transfers using tools like nslookup, host, or dig, and perform inverse (PTR) DNS record queries to identify associated DNS names.
Inspect HTTPS server certificates for Common Name (CN) and Subject Alternate Name (SAN) to find associated hostnames using tools like OpenSSL.
Review The Web Contents - WSTG-INFO-05
Inspect the page source for sensitive info
Try to find Sensitive Javascript codes
Try to find any keys
Make sure the autocomplete is disabled
Review web page comments and metadata in HTML source code for debugging information or sensitive data like SQL code, credentials, or internal IP addresses.
Identify and examine JavaScript code and external .js files for hardcoded sensitive information such as API keys, internal IP addresses, sensitive routes, or credentials.
Check for source map files by appending the “.map” extension to JavaScript files, and analyze these files for sensitive information that could provide insights into the application.
Inspect redirect responses, especially those resulting from authentication or authorization checks, for leaked content using browser developer tools or personal proxies like ZAP, Burp, Fiddler, or Charles.
Identifying Application’s Entry Points - WSTG-INFO-06
Identify what the methods used are?
Identify where the methods used are?
Identify the Injection point
Understand the application's structure by analyzing all HTTP requests, focusing on parameters and form fields in GET and POST requests. Use tools like intercepting proxies for deeper inspection of these requests, paying special attention to hidden form fields in POST requests.
Record observed parameters, custom headers, and other request/response details in a structured format (e.g., spreadsheet). Note the type of request, authentication status, TLS usage, involvement in multi-step processes, and use of WebSockets.
Scrutinize GET and POST requests for parameters in URLs and request bodies, including hidden fields and query strings. Also, look out for custom headers and other unusual or additional headers.
Examine response characteristics, such as new or modified cookies, redirects, status codes like 403 Forbidden or 500 Internal Server Errors, and any notable headers (e.g., load balancing indicators).
Utilize the OWASP Attack Surface Detector tool as a plugin in ZAP or Burp Suite, or as a command-line tool to uncover web application endpoints, parameters, and data types, including those not typically found by spiders.
Document the discovered code paths in black-box testing, focusing on combinatorial and boundary value analysis for decision paths, data flow or taint analysis for variable assignments, and race conditions involving concurrent data manipulation.
Use automatic spidering tools like the Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) to automatically discover new URLs and resources on the site. Begin with a list of seed URLs to guide the spidering process.
Leverage ZAP's various spidering options, including the standard Spider, Ajax Spider, and OpenAPI Support, to comprehensively map the application's execution paths.
Mapping Execution Paths - WSTG-INFO-07
Use Burp Suite
Use Dirsearch
Use Gobuster
Use Feroxbuster
feroxbuster -H "User-Agent: PENTEST" -w fzf-wordlists -u http://site/
feroxbuster -H "User-Agent: PENTEST" -w $WORDLIST -u SITE -t $THREADS
Document the discovered code paths in black-box testing, focusing on combinatorial and boundary value analysis for decision paths, data flow or taint analysis for variable assignments, and race conditions involving concurrent data manipulation.
Use automatic spidering tools like the Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) to automatically discover new URLs and resources on the site. Begin with a list of seed URLs to guide the spidering process.
Leverage ZAP's various spidering options, including the standard Spider, Ajax Spider, and OpenAPI Support, to comprehensively map the application's execution paths.
Fingerprint Web Application Framework - WSTG-INFO-08, WSTG-INFO-09 (Merged)
Use the Wappalyzer browser extension
Use Whatweb
View URL extensions
View HTML source code
View the cookie parameter
View the HTTP headers
To identify web application frameworks, consider several common locations including HTTP headers, cookies, HTML source code, specific files and folders, file extensions, and error messages.
Examine X-Powered-By field in HTTP headers using tools like netcat, but be aware that this can be easily obfuscated or disabled for security.
Look for framework-specific cookies which can indicate the underlying web framework more reliably than some other methods.
Analyze HTML source code for patterns, comments, framework-specific paths (like CSS or JS folders), or script variables that point to a specific framework.
Use dirbusting techniques to identify specific file and folder structures on the server unique to web components, enhancing the accuracy of framework identification.
Investigate URLs for file extensions, as these can often indicate the technology used, such as .php for PHP, .aspx for Microsoft ASP.NET, and .jsp for Java Server Pages.
Map Application Architecture - WSTG-INFO-10
Map the overall site structure
Map the application architecture by identifying different components such as web servers, application servers, database servers, LDAP servers, and firewalls. This can be done through documentation provided by the application developers or through blind penetration tests.
Detect reverse proxies and web application firewalls by analyzing server banners and responses to web requests. Look for discrepancies in expected vs. actual responses, or specific error messages that may indicate the presence of these elements.
Identify network load balancers by analyzing multiple requests and comparing results to determine if requests are going to the same or different web servers. Look for distinct headers or cookies, such as those introduced by F5 BIG-IP load balancers.
Detect application web servers by observing response headers and cookies set by the server. For example, JSESSIONID cookies are indicative of J2EE servers.
Determine the use of backend databases by observing the dynamic content generation patterns and request formats, such as numeric identifiers for articles in an online shop. Knowledge of the underlying database may also be inferred from vulnerabilities like SQL injection.
Test Network Configuration - WSTG-CONF-01
Check the network configuration
Check for default settings
Check for default credentials
Review known server vulnerabilities, especially those that allow unauthorized file uploads or replacements. Use automated tools for remote testing, but be aware of false positives/negatives and limitations in detecting non-exposed components like authentication backends or databases. Detailed internal information about software versions, releases, and patches is crucial for effective vulnerability analysis.
Examine administrative tools used in the web server infrastructure, such as web-based interfaces, configuration files, or operating-system GUI tools. Ensure the security of these tools, particularly regarding access control mechanisms, and change default credentials to prevent unauthorized access.
Test Application Configuration - WSTG- CONF-02
Ensure only required modules are used
Ensure unwanted modules are disabled
Ensure the server can handle DOS
Check how the application is handling 4xx & 5xx errors
Check for the privilege required to run
Check logs for sensitive info
Examine sample and known files and directories provided by default in web and application servers, as they may be vulnerable. Use CGI scanners for a quick check, but a full review of the server's contents is recommended to ensure that these files are not related to the application itself.
Perform a comment review to check for any sensitive information leaked through inline HTML comments or commented-out source code. This can be done through a thorough analysis of the web server's static and dynamic content and file searches.
Assess system configuration using tools like CIS-CAT Lite, Microsoft’s Attack Surface Analyzer, and NIST’s National Checklist Program to ensure conformance to configuration baselines or benchmarks.
Conduct a configuration review of the web server or application server. This includes ensuring only necessary server modules are enabled, custom handling of server errors, running the server with minimized privileges, proper logging of access and errors, and configuring the server to handle overloads and prevent Denial of Service attacks.
Evaluate logging mechanisms to detect flaws in applications and sustained attacks. Ensure logs do not contain sensitive information, are stored securely, are not susceptible to causing Denial of Service conditions, are rotated and kept for appropriate durations, are reviewed effectively, and that logged data is validated.
Test File Extension Handling - WSTG-CONF-03
Ensure the server won’t return sensitive extensions
Ensure the server won’t accept malicious extensions
Test for file upload vulnerabilities
Submit requests with various file extensions and check how they are handled on a per-directory basis, especially in directories allowing script execution. Use scanning tools for directory identification and mirror the website structure to map the web directories.
As an example, accessing a file like connection.inc can reveal sensitive information such as database credentials, indicating the presence of a MySQL DBMS backend.
Certain file extensions, like .asa, .inc, and .config, should never be served by the web server as they may contain sensitive information. Other extensions like .zip, .java, .txt, .pdf, and office document formats should be carefully checked to ensure they are intended to be served and do not contain sensitive data.
Employ a mix of techniques, including vulnerability scanners, spidering and mirroring tools, manual inspection, and search engine queries, to identify files with specific extensions. This approach helps overcome limitations in automatic spidering and addresses security issues related to "forgotten" files.
Be aware of legacy file handling mechanisms, such as Windows 8.3, which can sometimes bypass file upload filters, leading to potential security vulnerabilities. Examples include the processing of file.phtml as PHP code and the expansion of SHELL~1.PHP by the OS shell followed by processing by the PHP ISAPI handler.
Review Backup & Unreferenced Files - WSTG-CONF-04
Ensure unreferenced files don’t contain any sensitive info
Ensure the namings of old and new backup files
Check the functionality of unreferenced pages
Inference from Naming Scheme: Enumerate application's pages and functions, inferring unreferenced pages from the naming scheme.
Clues in Published Content: Review source code for hidden clues like comments, disabled forms, and JavaScript links.
Blind Guessing: Use tools like netcat with common filenames, focusing on server responses.
Server Vulnerabilities/Misconfigurations: Look for directory listings and specific server vulnerabilities.
Public Information: Search engines and caches for unlinked but present pages.
Filename Filter Bypass: Exploit OS filename expansion features and parsing differences.
Gray-Box Testing: Manually and scriptedly inspect directories for backup or old files with predictable extensions.
Enumerate Infrastructure & Admin Interfaces - WSTG-CONF-05
Try to find the Infrastructure Interface
Try to find the Admin Interface
Identify the hidden admin functionalities
Use directory and file enumeration techniques, such as guessing paths like /admin or /administrator, and employ tools for brute-forcing server contents. Check for filenames of administrative pages.
Examine source code for comments and links that might reveal links to administrator functionality.
Review server and application documentation for default configurations and access information. Consult default password lists if administrative interface is found.
Look for publicly available information about common administrative interfaces, like those in WordPress.
Check for administrative interfaces on alternative server ports, such as Apache Tomcat’s interface often seen on port 8080.
Investigate potential parameter tampering, like GET/POST parameters or cookies that might enable administrator functionality.
Verify server/application hardening, check for non-default credentials/configurations, and review source code for clear user/admin role separation.
Testing HTTP Methods - WSTG-CONF-06
Discover the supported methods
Ensure the PUT method is disabled
Ensure the OPTIONS method is disabled
Test access control bypass
Test for XST attacks
Test for HTTP method overriding
Identify supported HTTP methods using an OPTIONS request or by directly requesting each method and observing server responses.
Test the PUT and DELETE methods for potential file creation or deletion on the server, noting their different effects based on server configuration.
Check for the TRACE method, which echoes back request contents, noting its deprecation but importance for server hardening.
Examine the CONNECT method that could allow traffic proxying through the server.
Investigate the PATCH method for object modification instructions.
Test for access control bypass using different HTTP methods like HEAD or custom methods.
Test for HTTP method overriding using headers like X-HTTP-Method, X-HTTP-Method-Override, or X-Method-Override.
Ensure HSTS is enabled
This can also be detected pretty well with the Wappalyzer browser extension
Confirm the presence of the HSTS header by inspecting server responses via an intercepting proxy.
Use curl to check for the HSTS header:
Test RIA Cross Domain Policy - WSTG-CONF-08
Check for Adobe’s Cross Domain Policy
Ensure it has the least privilege
Test File Permission - WSTG-CONF-09
Ensure the permissions for sensitive files
Test for directory enumeration
Use the ls command in Linux to check file permissions. Alternatively, namei can recursively list file permissions ($ namei -l /PathToCheck/).
Focus on testing permissions of web files/directories, configuration files, sensitive files (e.g., encrypted data, passwords, keys), log files, executables, database files, temporary files, and upload directories.
Test For Subdomain Takeover - WSTG-CONF-10
Test DNS, A, and CNAME records for subdomain takeover
Test NS records for subdomain takeover
Test 404 response for subdomain takeover
Enumerate victim's DNS servers and resource records using methods like DNS enumeration with common subdomains, brute force, or OSINT data sources, and check for DNS server response messages like NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL, REFUSED, or no servers could be reached.
Perform basic DNS enumeration with tools like dnsrecon to identify inactive or unused DNS records, especially A and CNAME records.
For A records, perform a whois lookup to identify the service provider and check for a "404 - File not found" response which indicates vulnerability.
Test NS record subdomain takeover by identifying all nameservers for the domain and checking if any are associated with domains available for purchase.
Test Cloud Storage - WSTG-CONF-11
Check the sensitive paths of AWS
Check the sensitive paths of Google Cloud
Check the sensitive paths of Azure
URL Identification: Determine the URL for accessing the cloud storage service. For Amazon S3, identify the bucket URL, which can be in virtual hosted style or path-style.
Read Unauthorized Data: Use curl -X GET to test reading an object from the storage service. Example: curl -X GET https:///.
Analyzing Test Results: Success or failure in performing these actions, such as unauthorized read or upload, indicates the configuration state of the S3 bucket, revealing potential misconfigurations.
AWS CLI Testing: Apart from curl, AWS CLI can be used for listing (aws s3 ls s3://), uploading (aws s3 cp arbitrary-file s3://bucket-name/path-to-save), and removing objects (aws s3 rm s3://bucket-name/object-to-remove) in an S3 bucket.
Upload Arbitrary File: Test file upload capability with curl -X PUT. For Windows, use double quotes. Example:
Testing for Content Security Policy - WSTG-CONF-12
Test for CSP misconfigurations by examining the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header or CSP meta element for:
The unsafe-inline directive, which enables inline scripts/styles and increases XSS vulnerability.
The unsafe-eval directive that allows eval() use, prone to bypass techniques like data URL injection.
The unsafe-hashes directive permitting inline scripts/styles based on specific hashes.
Wildcard sources () in directives, allowing resources like scripts to be loaded from any origin, and check for partial match wildcards like https:// or *.cdn.com.
The frame-ancestors directive using wildcards, potentially leading to clickjacking vulnerabilities if not properly defined.
Test Path Confusion - WSTG-CONF-13
In black-box testing, replace existing application paths with non-existent ones and observe the behavior and status codes. For instance, modify a known path like https://example.com/user/dashboard to https://example.com/user/dashboard/non.js to check for Web Cache Deception vulnerabilities.
In white-box testing, examine the application's routing configuration, often involving regular expressions. Look for incorrect patterns that could lead to vulnerabilities, such as misconfigured expressions in Django's urls.py.
Test Role Definitions - WSTG-IDNT-01
Test for forced browsing
Test for IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference)
Test for parameter tampering
Ensure low privilege users can’t able to access high privilege resources
Identify application roles for testing through application documentation, developer/administrator guidance, comments within the application, and fuzzing possible roles via cookie/account variables or hidden directories/files.
Test and validate access to identified roles. Be aware that the mere existence of roles does not necessarily indicate a vulnerability.
Review and understand the permissions assigned to each role to ensure appropriate access levels, such as preventing support engineers from performing administrative functions or restricting administrators' powers with maker-checker principles or multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Test User Registration Process - WSTG-IDNT-02
Ensure the same user or identity can’t register again and again
Ensure the registrations are verified
Ensure disposable email addresses are rejected
Check what proof is required for successful registration
Verify user registration aligns with business and security needs by checking if:
Anyone can register for access.
Registrations are vetted manually or automatically.
Multiple registrations are allowed per identity.
Users can register for different roles or permissions.
Required proof of identity for successful registration.
Registered identities are verified.
Validate the registration process by assessing:
The ease of forging or faking identity information.
Potential manipulation in the exchange of identity information during registration.
Test Account Provisioning Process - WSTG-IDNT-03
Check the verification for the provisioning process
Check the verification for the de-provisioning process
Check the provisioning rights for an admin user to other users
Check whether a user is able to de-provision themself or not?
Check for the resources of a de-provisioned user
Determine which roles can provision users and the types of accounts they can create. Investigate the following:
The presence of verification, vetting, and authorization for provisioning and de-provisioning requests.
Whether administrators can provision other administrators or only users.
If administrators or users can provision accounts with higher privileges than their own.
The ability of administrators or users to de-provision themselves.
The management of files or resources owned by de-provisioned users, including whether they are deleted or if access is transferred.
Testing For Account Enumeration - WSTG-IDNT-04
Check the response when a valid username and password entered
Check the response when a valid username and an invalid password entered
Check the response when an invalid username and password entered
Ensure the rate-limiting functionality is enabled in username and password fields
To test for user enumeration, record server responses for:
Valid user ID and password.
Valid user ID with wrong password.
Invalid user ID with a password.
Analyze differences in error messages and HTTP responses for these scenarios.
Enumerate users through methods like analyzing error codes on login pages, URL redirections, URI probing, web page titles, recovery facility messages, friendly 404 error messages, and response times.
Test staff impersonation by ensuring reserved usernames (e.g., admin) can't be used in registration or profile editing.
For gray-box testing, confirm uniformity in authentication error messages across all failed attempts.
Test For Weak Username Policy - WSTG-IDNT-05
Check the response for both valid and invalid usernames
Check for username enumeration
Determine the structure of account names.
Evaluate the application’s response to valid and invalid account names.
Use different responses to valid and invalid account names to enumerate valid account names.
Use account name dictionaries to enumerate valid account names.
Test For Un-Encrypted Channel - WSTG-ATHN-01
Check for the HTTP login page
Check for the HTTP register or sign-in page
Check for HTTP forgot password page
Check for HTTP change password
Check for resources on HTTP after logout
Test for forced browsing to HTTP pages
Test For Default Credentials - WSTG-ATHN-02
Test with default credentials
Test organization name as credentials
Test for response manipulation
Test for the default username and a blank password
Review the page source for credentials
Identify the software in use and search for its default passwords using methods like online searches, reviewing manuals, checking common default password databases, and inspecting application source code or hardware.
Test for organization-specific default passwords, which are often predictable and can be identified through guessing or brute-forcing, especially in grey-box or white-box testing scenarios.
Check for application-generated default passwords by creating multiple accounts and comparing the passwords, looking for patterns like static strings, hashed account details, or weak pseudo-random number generation.
Test For Weak Lockout Mechanism - WSTG-ATHN-03
Ensure the account has been locked after 3-5 incorrect attempts
Ensure the system accepts only the valid CAPTCHA
Ensure the system rejects the invalid CAPTCHA
Ensure CAPTCHA code regenerated after reloaded
Ensure CAPTCHA reloads after entering the wrong code
Ensure the user has a recovery option for a lockout account
Attempt login with incorrect password incrementally (3, 4, 5 times) to check at which point lockout triggers.
After lockout, try correct password at different intervals (5, 10, 15 minutes) to determine automatic unlock time.
Assess CAPTCHA for weaknesses like easily solvable challenges, server-side validation issues, and bypass possibilities including cookie manipulation and direct server-side requests.
Apply testing process to all application functionalities requiring lockout mechanisms.
Initiate unlock mechanism; inspect for vulnerabilities, especially in mechanisms like secret questions or one-time email links.
Test For Bypassing Authentication Schema - WSTG-ATHN-04
Test forced browsing directly to the internal dashboard without login
Test for session ID prediction
Test for authentication parameter tampering
Test for SQL injection on the login page
Test to gain access with the help of session ID
Test multiple logins allowed or not?
Use direct page requests to access protected pages without authentication.
Modify URL parameters or cookies to bypass login.
Predict or brute-force session IDs for unauthorized access.
Exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in authentication forms.
Look for PHP loose comparison vulnerabilities or similar flaws in source code.
Test For Vulnerable Remember Password - WSTG-ATHN-05
Ensure that the stored password is encrypted
Ensure that the stored password is on the server-side
Examine if credentials are stored in encoded form in browser storage; follow web storage testing and session analysis scenarios.
Test for vulnerabilities to Clickjacking and CSRF attacks due to automatic credential injection.
Analyze token lifetimes to ensure they expire appropriately and don't pose a risk if stolen.
Test For Browser Cache Weakness - WSTG-ATHN-06
Ensure proper cache-control is set on sensitive pages
Ensure no sensitive data is stored in the browser cache storage
Enter sensitive information, log out, and use the browser's Back button to check if sensitive data can be accessed unauthenticated.
Ensure pages are delivered over HTTPS and use Cache-Control: must-revalidate to prevent sensitive data storage in browser history.
Use a proxy like ZAP to check server responses for Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, Expires: 0, Pragma: no-cache directives on pages with sensitive information.
Verify browser cache handling on different browsers and operating systems; inspect cache directories for stored sensitive information.
Test mobile browser cache handling separately, using tools like Chrome’s Device Mode or Firefox’s Responsive Design Mode, and personal proxies to simulate mobile User-Agent strings.
Test For Weak Password Policy - WSTG-ATHN-07
Ensure the password policy is set to strong
Check for password reusability
Check the user is prevented to use his username as a password
Check for the usage of common weak passwords
Check the minimum password length to be set
Check the maximum password length to be set
Check permitted and forbidden characters for passwords, and requirements for character sets like upper/lowercase letters, digits, and symbols.
Determine the frequency of password changes and if rapid consecutive changes can bypass password history requirements.
Assess if the application enforces regular password changes and complies with standards like PCI DSS. -Investigate how often a user can reuse a password and if the application tracks password history.
Evaluate how different consecutive passwords must be.
Verify if the application prevents use of username or personal information in passwords.
Examine the minimum and maximum password length settings for appropriateness.
Testing For Weak Security Questions - WSTG-ATHN-08
Check for the complexity of the questions
Check for brute-forcing
Obtain a list of security questions by creating a new account or using the password recovery process. Identify questions vulnerable to attacks like guessing, brute-forcing, or social media information.
Create security questions in an existing account to check if the system permits insecure self-generated questions.
Assess if incorrect security answers trigger a lockout mechanism.
Focus on exploiting security questions with public, factual, or limited answer options.
Determine the number of permissible guesses, presence of lockout mechanisms, and potential for Denial of Service attacks via incorrect answers.
Test For Weak Password Reset Function - WSTG-ATHN-09
Check what information is required to reset the password
Check for password reset function with HTTP
Test the randomness of the password reset tokens
Test the uniqueness of the password reset tokens
Test for rate limiting on password reset tokens
Ensure the token must expire after being used
Ensure the token must expire after not being used for a long time
Gather information about available password reset mechanisms, including requirements for initiating a reset.
Evaluate the security of the password reset process, ensuring it's as secure as the authentication process and protected against automated attacks.
Check for common vulnerabilities like SQL injection or XSS in the reset process.
Assess email-based password reset methods for security concerns like unencrypted password transmission, secure password generation, and anti-spoofing measures.
Evaluate link-based password reset methods, focusing on HTTPS usage, token security, link expiry, and exposure to third parties.
For SMS/phone call-based resets, check token security, rate limiting, and overall security considerations.
Ensure authenticated password changes require re-authentication and are not vulnerable to CSRF attacks, and that a strong password policy is enforced.
Test For Weak Password Change Function - WSTG-ATHN-09
Check if the old password asked to make a change
Check for the uniqueness of the forgotten password
Check for blank password change
Check for password change function with HTTP
Ensure the old password is not displayed after changed
Ensure the other sessions got destroyed after the password change
Gather information about available password reset mechanisms, including requirements for initiating a reset.
Evaluate the security of the password reset process, ensuring it's as secure as the authentication process and protected against automated attacks.
Check for common vulnerabilities like SQL injection or XSS in the reset process.
Assess email-based password reset methods for security concerns like unencrypted password transmission, secure password generation, and anti-spoofing measures.
Evaluate link-based password reset methods, focusing on HTTPS usage, token security, link expiry, and exposure to third parties.
For SMS/phone call-based resets, check token security, rate limiting, and overall security considerations.
Ensure authenticated password changes require re-authentication and are not vulnerable to CSRF attacks, and that a strong password policy is enforced.
Test For Weak Authentication In Alternative Channel - WSTG-ATHN-10
Test authentication on the desktop browsers
Test authentication on the mobile browsers
Test authentication in a different country
Test authentication in a different language
Test authentication on desktop applications
Test authentication on mobile applications
Thoroughly test the primary authentication functions to understand account creation, password recovery/reset, and any enhanced authentication measures.
Identify alternative channels by reviewing site content, searching HTTP proxy logs for specific keywords, and using search engines to find related sites or applications.
Enumerate authentication functions in each alternative channel, comparing them with the primary channel, and note any extra functions or weaker security measures.
Review and test all identified channels, including out-of-scope or information-only channels, using tests from other authentication test cases in the guide.
Ensure a consistent and equally secure authentication policy across all channels.
Testing Directory Traversal File Include - WSTG-ATHZ-01
Identify the injection point on the URL
Test for Local File Inclusion
Test for Remote File Inclusion
Test Traversal on the URL parameter
Test Traversal on the cookie parameter
Enumerate input vectors: Identify all parts of the application accepting user content, including HTTP GET and POST queries, file uploads, and HTML forms.
Analyze input validation functions: Test for validation checkpoint failures using paths like ../../../../etc/passwd or external content links, considering system knowledge and file locations.
Consider different path separators: Be aware of OS-specific path separators (Unix-like /, Windows \ or /, macOS :) and test with various encodings and directory traversal payloads (see PayloadsAllTheThings).
Windows-specific testing: For shell and API calls, test with path alterations (angle brackets, double quotes, extraneous markers). Use UNC filepaths and NT device namespace for SMB shares and device access.
Gray-Box Testing: Utilize source code access to search for inclusion functions and filesystem operations, employing tools like grep and regex patterns for PHP, JSP/Servlet, and ASP. Insert crafted path traversal strings into database-stored values and parameters.
Testing Traversal With Encoding -
Test Traversal with Base64 encoding
Test Traversal with URL encoding
Test Traversal with ASCII encoding
Test Traversal with HTML encoding
Test Traversal with Hex encoding
Test Traversal with Binary encoding
Test Traversal with Octal encoding
Test Traversal with Gzip encoding
Testing Traversal With Different OS Schemes -
Test Traversal with Unix schemes
Test Traversal with Windows schemes
Test Traversal with Mac schemes
Test Other Encoding Techniques
Test Traversal with Double encoding
Test Traversal with all characters encode
Test Traversal with only special characters encode
Test Authorization Schema Bypass - WSTG-ATHZ-02
Test for Horizontal authorization schema bypass
Test for Vertical authorization schema bypass
Test override the target with custom headers
Test horizontal authorization: Generate two users with identical privileges, keep distinct sessions active, alter session identifiers and parameters in requests, and check if responses contain private data or indicate operation success on another user's resources.
Test administrative function access: Execute administrative function requests as a non-admin user and observe whether the operation succeeds or the user is created with privileges.
Test role-based resource access: As a normal user, attempt to access, modify, or delete resources assigned to different roles, such as files in a restricted area.
Test special header handling: Send requests with X-Original-URL or X-Rewrite-URL headers pointing to non-existing resources and assess response; if supported, attempt access control bypass using these headers.
Test proxy/forwarding headers for access: Use headers like X-Forwarded-For, X-Remote-IP, adding local network addresses or port elements, to bypass restrictions like web application firewalls.
Test For Privilege Escalation - WSTG-ATHZ-03
Identify the injection point
Test for bypassing the security measures
Test for forced browsing
Test for IDOR
IDOR testing Automation Steps for Burp Pro Users
Download Standalone Jython Jar file from https://www.jython.org/ and store
Start Burp Pro
Install Autorize from the Burp App (BApp) Store
Capture login request and copy cookie
Paste cookie into Autorize Configuration
Note: Instead of pasting you can also select "Copy cookie from last request"
Turn Autorize on and refresh page or walk the application for auth testing
Monitor and verify findings (subject to false positives)
Test for parameter tampering to high privileged user
Record and test database functions (create, receive, delete info) for unauthorized role/privilege access.
Modify groupID and orderID parameters to test for unauthorized access to privileged data.
Change hidden field values (e.g., profile to SysAdmin) in server responses to test for privilege escalation.
Test for privilege escalation by altering parameter values in server responses (e.g., changing PVValid value).
Modify X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to test IP-based access control and login attempt limits.
For vertical authorization, register different role users and interchange session identifiers to test access to higher role resources.
Test for authorization bypass by accessing or operating higher role functions through URL traversal and weak session IDs.
Test For Insecure Direct Object Reference - WSTG-ATHZ-04
Test to change the ID parameter
Test to add parameters at the endpoints
Test for HTTP parameter pollution
Test by adding an extension at the end
Test with outdated API versions
Test by wrapping the ID with an array
Test by wrapping the ID with a JSON object
Test for JSON parameter pollution
Test by changing the case
Test for path traversal
Test by changing words
Test by changing methods
Identify locations in the application where user input is used to directly access database rows, files, or pages.
Change parameter values used for object references to check if objects belonging to other users can be accessed.
Use multiple user accounts to cover different owned objects (like private messages, purchase info) and varying privileges (e.g., admin users).
Test scenarios including retrieving database records, performing system operations (e.g., changing passwords), accessing file resources, and using parameters to access different application functionalities.
If object references are split between parameters, modify testing approach accordingly.
Testing for OAuth Weaknesses - WSTG-ATHZ-05
Identify deprecated OAuth grant types in requests to /token endpoint by examining the grant_type parameter.
For public clients, verify proper use of Authorization Code grant with PKCE by checking for response_type=code and code_challenge=sha256(xyz) in authorization requests.
For confidential clients, ensure proper use of Authorization Code grant and check if PKCE extension is used.
In machine-to-machine scenarios, validate the use of Client Credentials grant by checking client_id and client_secret.
Test for credential leakage by using an HTTP intercepting proxy to analyze OAuth traffic for exposed tokens (access, refresh, authorization code, PKCE code challenge/verifier) in URLs or referrer headers.
Test For Session Management Schema - WSTG-SESS-01
Ensure all Set-Cookie directives are secure
Ensure no cookie operation takes place over an unencrypted channel
Ensure the cookie can’t be forced over an unencrypted channel
Ensure the HTTPOnly flag is enabled
Check if any cookies are persistent
Check for session cookies and cookie expiration date/time
Check for session fixation
Check for concurrent login
Check for session after logout
Check for session after closing the browser
Try decoding cookies (Base64, Hex, URL, etc)
Test all client-application interactions for: Secure flag on Set-Cookie directives, Cookie operations over encrypted transport, forcing Cookie over unencrypted transport, and security maintenance.
Analyze persistent cookies for reasonable expiration times and transient cookie configurations.
Check HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 Cache-Control settings for Cookie protection.
Cookie Collection: Surf application to identify cookie creation, modification, necessity for application parts, and map each cookie.
Session Analysis: Examine session tokens for randomness, uniqueness, and information leakage, including token structure, and test for predictability and randomness.
Cookie Reverse Engineering: Collect multiple cookie instances, observe patterns, and perform checks on character set, structure, and information carried.
Test for brute force attacks considering Session ID variance and session duration.
For Gray-Box Testing: Verify random session token generation, adequate token length, session timeout, and proper cookie configuration (non-persistent, secure, HTTPOnly).
Test For Cookie Attributes - WSTG-SESS-02
Ensure the cookie must be set with the secure attribute
Ensure the cookie must be set with the path attribute
Ensure the cookie must have the HTTPOnly flag
Ensure cookies use the Secure attribute, which requires transmission over HTTPS, preventing leakage in unencrypted requests.
Verify HttpOnly attribute usage to restrict cookie access via client-side scripts, reducing XSS attack vectors.
Check Domain attribute to ensure cookies are sent only to appropriate domain or subdomains, avoiding unintended access.
Confirm Path attribute correctly scopes cookie access to specified URL paths, preventing misuse across multiple applications on the same server.
Validate Expires attribute for appropriate persistent cookie lifespan and removal after expiration.
Test SameSite attribute settings (Strict, Lax, None) for cross-site request handling, with Strict providing highest restriction.
Review cookies for Host and Secure prefixes, ensuring they meet specific conditions like Secure attribute presence and path restrictions.
Apply best practices by combining attributes and prefixes effectively, e.g., Set-Cookie: __Host-SID=; path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict
for maximum security.
Test For Session Fixation - WSTG-SESS-03
Ensure new cookies have been issued upon a successful authentication
Test manipulating the cookies
Make a request to the target site and observe the session identifier set in the response cookie.
Authenticate to the application and check if a new cookie is issued post-authentication.
If no new cookie is issued, test for session hijacking possibility by sending the old session identifier to another user and observing if privileges are assigned to this cookie.
For testing with forced cookies, follow these steps:
Access the login page and save a snapshot of the cookie jar, excluding __Host- or __Secure- prefixed cookies.
Log in as the victim, then revert to the saved cookie jar.
Trigger a secure function and observe if the operation succeeds with the old cookie.
Log in as the attacker, replicate the cookie jar setup, and try accessing the victim's account.
Test For Exposed Session Variables - WSTG-SESS-04
Test for encryption
Test for GET and POST vulnerabilities
Test if GET request incorporating the session ID used
Test by interchanging POST with GET method
Test for encryption and reuse of session tokens vulnerabilities by ensuring TLS encryption is used and session IDs are protected during transit. Replace https:// with http:// and modify form posts to check for secure and non-secure segregation.
Ensure different session IDs are used when switching from secure to non-secure site elements.
Test for proxies and caching vulnerabilities: Session IDs should never be sent over unencrypted transport or cached. Check that encrypted communications are default and enforced, and appropriate cache-control directives are in place.
Test for GET & POST vulnerabilities: Avoid using GET requests for Session IDs due to exposure risks. Ensure server-side scripts do not accept session data sent via GET when it should be POST.
Check how Session IDs are transferred (GET, POST, hidden fields), ensure they are always sent over encrypted transport, and verify if the application can be manipulated to send Session IDs unencrypted. Confirm appropriate cache-control directives are applied and consistently present.
Test For Back Refresh Attack
Test after password change
Test after logout
Test For Cross Site Request Forgery - WSTG-SESS-05
Check if the token is validated on the server-side or not
Check if the token is validated for full or partial length
Check by comparing the CSRF tokens for multiple dummy accounts
Check CSRF by interchanging POST with GET method
Check CSRF by removing the CSRF token parameter
Check CSRF by removing the CSRF token and using a blank parameter
Check CSRF by using unused tokens
Check CSRF by replacing the CSRF token with its own values
Check CSRF by changing the content type to form-multipart
Check CSRF by changing or deleting some characters of the CSRF token
Check CSRF by changing the referrer to Referrer
Check CSRF by changing the host values
Check CSRF alongside clickjacking
Audit the application's session management to identify if it depends solely on client-side values like cookies and HTTP authentication credentials. Such reliance indicates vulnerability to CSRF attacks.
Test for CSRF vulnerabilities in resources accessible via HTTP GET requests, as these are easily exploitable.
For POST requests, create and host a malicious HTML page designed to submit unauthorized requests via a victim's browser. This page should contain a self-submitting form with hidden inputs to simulate a CSRF attack.
For web applications using JSON for server communication, exploit CSRF by using a self-submitting form with JSON payloads. Change the form's encoding type to text/plain to ensure proper payload delivery.
Remediation measures can be found in the OWASP CSRF Prevention Cheat Sheet.
Test For Weak Logout Functionality - WSTG-SESS-06
Check the log out function on different pages
Check for the visibility of the logout button
Ensure after logout the session was ended
Ensure after logout we can’t able to access the dashboard by pressing the back button
Ensure proper session timeout has been set
Log Out User Interface Testing: Verify the logout button's visibility and accessibility on each web page. Key aspects include:
Presence of a logout button on all pages.
Easy identification and access to the logout button.
Immediate visibility of the logout button without the need to scroll.
Optimal placement in a fixed area of the browser viewport.
Server-Side Session Termination Testing: Store session cookie values, invoke logout, and observe application behavior, especially regarding session cookies. Test for any vulnerabilities by trying to access authenticated pages after logout and by restoring old session cookies.
Session Timeout Testing: Determine session timeout by requesting an authenticated page with increasing delays. Assess how the application handles timeout-triggered logout, balancing security and usability based on application context (e.g., short timeout for banking apps, longer for forums or wikis).
Testing in Single Sign-On Environments: Perform logout tests in applications integrated with Single Sign-On (SSO) systems. Check if logging out of the application or the SSO system leads to global session termination, requiring re-authentication to access the application.
Test For Session Timeout - WSTG-SESS-07
Ensure there is a session timeout exists
Ensure after the timeout, all of the tokens are destroyed
Black-Box Testing for Session Timeout:
Verify the existence of a session timeout by logging in and observing if the session logs out after a period of inactivity.
Determine whether the timeout is enforced client-side or server-side. If session cookies do not store time data, it's likely server-enforced.
Test if modifying the cookie's expiration date affects session longevity.
Gray-Box Testing for Session Timeout:
Ensure the logout function destroys or renders session tokens unusable.
Check if the server properly invalidates session states to prevent replay of destroyed session identifiers.
Confirm that the session timeout is enforced by the server, ideally with server-side session invalidation methods like HttpSession.invalidate() in Java or Session.abandon() in .NET.
Test For Session Puzzling - WSTG-SESS-08
Identify all the session variables
Try to break the logical flow of the session generation
Black-Box Testing for Session Puzzling:
Detect and exploit vulnerabilities by enumerating all session variables and understanding their context. This involves accessing different entry points in the application and observing the effect on session variables.
Example: Test password reset functionality, which might populate the session with identifying values, and then access other application parts using this session state to potentially bypass authentication.
Gray-Box Testing for Session Puzzling:
Conduct a source code review to effectively identify session puzzling vulnerabilities.
Test For Session Hijacking - WSTG-SESS-09
Test session hijacking on target that doesn’t has HSTS enabled
Test by login with the help of captured cookies
Test session hijacking on sites without full HSTS by using two accounts (victim and attacker).
Victim logs in, deletes non-'Secure' cookies, and saves the cookie jar.
Attempt a secure function as the victim.
If successful, replicate this with the attacker account using the victim's saved cookies.
Successful execution by the attacker indicates vulnerability to session hijacking.
Testing JSON Web Tokens - WSTG-SESS-10
Analyze JWT Components: JWTs consist of a header, payload, and signature. Check the header for token type and algorithm, and review the payload for sensitive data.
Signature Verification: Test if the application properly verifies JWT signatures by modifying the JWT body without altering the header or signature.
Algorithm Manipulation: Check for vulnerabilities related to the none algorithm and public key vs HMAC confusion. For none, change the alg header to none, remove the signature, and see if the application accepts the modified JWT.
Weak HMAC Keys: If JWT uses HMAC, investigate if a default HMAC signing key is used or attempt to brute-force the key.
Test For Reflected Cross Site Scripting - WSTG-INPV-01
Ensure these characters are filtered <>’’&””
Test with a character escape sequence
Test by replacing < and > with HTML entities < and >
Test payload with both lower and upper case
Test to break firewall regex by new line /r/n
Test with double encoding
Test with recursive filters
Test injecting anchor tags without whitespace
Test by replacing whitespace with bullets
Test by changing HTTP methods
Use in-browser tools or proxies to identify all user-defined variables and hidden inputs on web pages.
Employ web application fuzzers or manual input of crafted data (e.g., alert(123)) to test each input vector for XSS vulnerabilities.
Analyze results of test inputs for unencoded, unfiltered special characters in HTML (e.g., >, <, &, ', ") or JavaScript (e.g., \n, \r, ', ", , \uXXXX).
Test for bypassing XSS filters using variations in syntax, encoding, and techniques like HTTP Parameter Pollution, and evaluate effectiveness of web application's input sanitization.
In gray-box testing, utilize partial knowledge of the application to focus on user input, validation controls, and rendering of input back to the user.
Test For Stored Cross Site Scripting - WSTG-INPV-02
Identify stored input parameters that will reflect on the client-side
Look for input parameters on the profile page
Look for input parameters on the shopping cart page
Look for input parameters on the file upload page
Look for input parameters on the settings page
Look for input parameters on the forum, comment page
Test uploading a file with XSS payload as its file name
Test with HTML tags
Identify all user input storage points in the application (e.g., user profiles, shopping carts, file managers, application settings, forums, blogs, logs) and note how they are displayed.
Analyze HTML and JavaScript to understand how stored input is used in the context of the page, including out-of-band channels and areas accessible by administrators.
Test for stored XSS by injecting basic examples (like aaa@aa.com">alert(document.cookie)) using both HTTP GET and POST requests, with and without JavaScript enabled.
Use advanced JavaScript frameworks like BeEF for exploiting stored XSS; inject a JavaScript hook (e.g., aaa@aa.com">) and control the user's browser via the BeEF console.
Check file upload functionalities for vulnerabilities by testing if HTML content or arbitrary MIME types can be uploaded, and consider browser-specific MIME handling differences.
Test For HTTP Parameter Pollution - WSTG-INPV-04
Identify the backend server and parsing method used
Try to access the injection point
Try to bypass the input filters using HTTP Parameter Pollution
Identify forms or actions allowing user input. For GET requests, modify query strings in the browser; for POST, use an intercepting proxy.